Saturday, March 04, 2006

TPNA Flooding

TPNA Flooding
The president of the Catalpa Garden's home owners association, that nice collection of condominiums at the corner of Catalpa and East Blithedale, called the TPNA hotline on the 3rd of March. She said that while they were not impacted by the most recent floods (December 31, 2005), she does encourgae the tenants to clear debris from the creek bed, for the properties with creek frontage (For Catalpa the specific creek is Warner Creek). She floated the notion of a postcard that might target residences with creek passage, to ask that each home owner clear debris from their portion of the creek, thus reducing the potentioal for blockages and blockage based flooding in the future. The Catalpa Garden's President mentioned too, that she knows of several renatl properties along Catalpa outside the condominium complex with absent property owners where debris clearing has not been performed for many years, and so the task of clearing debris may be a prudent tactic for our neighborhoods.